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about the Book
Systems Thinking FOR ALL
This book is set up, literally, to help you hear and answer the call of your own abundance and wealth. Initial training is focused on the five disciplines of systems thinking in learning organizations as popularized by Peter Senge in The Fifth Discipline, the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. The five disciplines have been updated for the 21st Century to incorporate new behavioral and systems science as identified by William North in Systems Thinking for All. The five disciplines, when prcted over time, translate into “States of Being”, that come out of the practice of each discipline:
Diversity Worldview out of Mental Models – understanding and updating your mental models to utilize diversity of thought creatively in solving problems.
Expert Intuition out of Personal Mastery – translating mastery of a subject into an altered trait, and how to best use that expert intutiton in different situations without thought.
Decision Agreement out of Team Learning – eliminating groupthink and political gamesmanship through learning and commitment to the agreed upon decision.
Emerging Purpose out of Shared Vision – expanding the visioning process into a shared understanding of that purpose rising out of periodic shared planning activities.
Meaning Making out of Systems Thinking – elevating the work of systems thinking and maintenance of systems to shared meaning of the intended purpose of the system.
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